Foundation Educate. Experience. Empower. |
TBG Foundation is
wholeheartedly thankful to all of its supporters. We
understand that without the help and generosity of
our supporters, our programs and mission could not
have been realized.
We, therefore,
express special thanks and appreciation to:
Washington University
Washington, DC, USA (for helping accommodate the Washington Winter School 2014 participants)
University of Alberta
Edmonton, AB, Canada (for recognizing and supporting the Balkans Peace Program since 2013)
State University of Gjilan
"Kadri Zeka"
Gjilan, Kosovo (for being a local partner of the Balkans Peace Program since 2014)
Northwestern Polytechnic University
Fremont, California, United States (for providing Education for Peace Scholarships, 2010-13)
Municipality of Gjilan
Department of Culture, Youth and Sports (for supporting the Kosovo Thanks Canada Art Exhibit, 2012)
Dartmouth, NS (for hosting the Kosovo Thanks Canada Art Exhibit, 2012) Saint Mary's University
(for book donations to the
Atlantic International Library of Kosovo
St. Francis and Xavier
University Library
Antigonish, NS, Canada
(for book donations to the
Atlantic International Library of Kosovo
Department of Foreign
Affairs and International Trade
Government of Canada
(for the financial support
provided for our Canada Education for Peace
Initiative 2010 and 2011)
Dalhousie University and
its Centre for Foreign Policy Studies
Halifax, NS, Canada (for supporting CEPI 2010 and CEPI 2011)
Texas Lutheran University
Seguin, Texas, United States
(for providing full tuition
scholarships to our EFP students, 2006-2009)
United States Agency for
International Development
USAID Kosovo
(for providing general support
to TBG Foundation, 2008-2009)
Kinsmen Lutheran
Church and Its Members, Houston, Texas
Grafika Rezniqi, Prishtina,
Penta Graphics, Prishtina,